Deep Q-Network (DQN) is a deep reinforcement learning method, first proposed by Google DeepMind team in 2013 [Paper]. This algorithm introduces a neural network to replace the cumulative expected return storage form in the Q-learning algorithm, and can effectively solve problems with high-dimensional state spaces. The DeepMind team creatively combines convolutional neural networks in deep learning and Q-learning in reinforcement learning to train agents to learn how to control characters in Atari games to achieve good game performance.

Neural Network

The DQN algorithm takes the state of the agent as the input of the neural network, and then uses the neural network to calculate the Q values corresponding to all actions.

Online Network and Target Network

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This project is also part of my master's thesis, and it includes two aspects: global path planning of each robot and collaborative planning of multiple robots. My master's thesis (Written in Chinese) can be downloaded here.

Global path planning for each robot


To solve the routing problem in Mobile Robot Fulfillment System, firstly, a method based on traditional A* algorithm is proposed, and then a method based on improved A* algorithm considering task priority and utilization frequency of path nodes is further designed. Finally, a Markov decision process describing the problem is established, and a method based on Q-learning is proposed. Results of computational experiments show that these algorithms can quickly solve the problem. The methods based on the traditional A* algorithm and Q-learning can both obtain the shortest paths, and the method based on improved A* algorithm can effectively balance the traffic flow and significantly reduce the number of potential collisions.

Comparison between traditional A* algorithm and improved A* algorithm

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More details about this project can be found in this paper. Here is a brief introduction to the project. This project is part of my master's thesis. My master's thesis (Written in Chinese) can be downloaded here.

This paper studies a task scheduling problem in the context of the mobile robot fulfillment system (MRFS), a parts-to-picker storage system where mobile robots bring movable racks to workstations. It determines the assignment of tasks of transporting racks to a fleet of robots with the objective of makespan minimization. A mixed integer programming model is presented to describe the problem. Aimed at quickly finding good solutions to this NP-hard problem, two heuristic rules and an ant colony optimization algorithm are developed. Computational experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic solution procedures. It shows that the ant colony optimization algorithm generally has the best performance.

Mathematical Models

A mixed integer programming model is presented to describe the problem as follows:

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This was a course project during my undergraduate studies and was published in a Chinese journal. The course paper can be downloaded here. The following is a translation of the paper.


The queuing problem in hospital is becoming more and more serious. This paper investigates the queuing system of registration window of a hospital in Nanjing. The data of arrival time interval and service time of each window are collected, and its distributions are fitted by Matalab. The model of the system is set up and simulated with FlexSim. According to the simulation results, the optimization scheme is put forward. By increasing the number of windows opened to patients from 3 to 4, the average waiting time is reduced by 430 seconds, and the queuing time is reduced by 69%.
Key words: hospital;registration window;queueing system;simulation;FlexSim


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The Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT) is widely used in robot motion planning. The algorithm was developed by Steven M. LaValle and James J. Kuffner Jr.

For more information about RRT, please refer to the following papers:

The pseudocode of basic RRT is as follows:

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MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol.

More information about MQTT:

Install paho-mqtt library in Python:

pip install paho-mqtt
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Bug Description

  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • IDE: PyCharm 2023.2
  • Language: Python

I used PyQt5 in Python to develop a GUI for a simple program. After the development was completed, I packaged the program to generate an exe file. But when I run this exe file and click the button on the GUI, a new window will pop up. If I click the button repeatedly, new windows keep being generated. This problem does not occur when debugging and running the program in PyCharm.

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