This project is also part of my master's thesis, and it includes two aspects: global path planning of each robot and collaborative planning of multiple robots. My master's thesis (Written in Chinese) can be downloaded here.
Global path planning for each robot
To solve the routing problem in Mobile Robot Fulfillment System, firstly, a method based on traditional A* algorithm is proposed, and then a method based on improved A* algorithm considering task priority and utilization frequency of path nodes is further designed. Finally, a Markov decision process describing the problem is established, and a method based on Q-learning is proposed. Results of computational experiments show that these algorithms can quickly solve the problem. The methods based on the traditional A* algorithm and Q-learning can both obtain the shortest paths, and the method based on improved A* algorithm can effectively balance the traffic flow and significantly reduce the number of potential collisions.
Comparison between traditional A* algorithm and improved A* algorithm