
Wei Yuan

Email: yuanwei.seu@gmail.com

Research interests: Supply Chain Optimization, Production Scheduling Optimization


Master of Engineering | Southeast University | Nanjing, China

Industrial Engineering | 09/2018 - 06/2021

  • Average Score: 83/100
  • Major Courses: Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis, Machine Learning, Operations Research, Engineering Matrix Theory
  • Master's thesis: Task Scheduling and Path Planning in Mobile Robot Fulfillment Systems

Bachelor of Engineering | Southeast University | Nanjing, China

Industrial Engineering | 09/2014 - 06/2018

  • GPA: 3.49/4.0, Outstanding Undergraduate Graduates (5%)
  • Major Courses: Operations Research, Advanced Mathematics, Programming & Algorithmic Language

Work Experience

Wuxi Intelligent Control Research Institute, Hunan University | Wuxi, China

Algorithm Engineer (Optimization) | 06/2022 - 07/2024

Unmanned Bus Departure Timetable Generation

  • Combined with historical passenger flow data, established a 0-1 integer programming model

  • Applied Genetic Algorithm to generate bus schedules that adapt to various types of vehicles in Java

Carpooling Order Allocation for Unmanned Bus

  • Considering constraints such as order interval and vehicle capacity, an integer programming model was established
  • Implemented Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search in Java to realize real-time allocation of orders, and completed simulation report

Task Allocation for Unmanned Mining Trucks

  • Considering constraints such as target output and operating time, and aiming to minimize the total transportation cost, an integer programming model was established

  • Utilized Java to develop a Simulated Annealing algorithm, including various neighborhood operators such as adding/subtracting trucks, adding/subtracting tasks, etc., and introduced an operator adaptive selection mechanism to realize static task allocation of mining trucks

Path Planning and Conflict Avoidance in Automated Container Terminal

  • Executed A* algorithm in Java to achieve the global path planning of unmanned trucks in automated container terminal
  • Based on congestion information, realized real-time route re-planning for trucks to avoid congested roads
  • Implemented a multi-vehicle collaboration algorithm at intersections to avoid conflicts or deadlocks
  • Applied Monte Carlo Tree Search to determine the order in which trucks pass at intersections
  • Developed a simulation system in Python, and utilized OpenCV to implement dynamic demonstration and simulation of the system operation process

Hangzhou HIKROBOT Co., Ltd | Hangzhou, China

Algorithm Engineer (Optimization) | 07/2021 - 04/2022

  • Completed scene function and efficiency tests of path planning program, and wrote a test report

  • Constructed the automatic online program in C++ for AMRs in warehouse which can bring malfunctioning robots back to the topological map automatically

  • Modified C++ code to adapt the path planning program to omnidirectional vehicles, debugged and simulated on the server to achieve stable operation of 20 AMRs

  • Investigated related papers on path planning sequence optimization of AMRs, and completed a research report

OPPO Co., Ltd | Nanjing, China

Software Development Intern | 07/2020 - 09/2020

  • Learned basic knowledge of OpenGL rendering pipeline and shader, and achieved basic particle effects using C++

Research Experience

Path Planning of Robots in Intelligent Warehouse | 03/2020 - 06/2020

  • Implemented A* algorithm and Q-Learning in Python to generate global path for single robot

  • Applied Deep Q Network to realize multi-robot collision and deadlock avoidance using Python

Task Assignment of Robots in Intelligent Warehouse | 06/2019 - 12/2019

  • Established an integer programming model which considered power constraint of robots

  • Utilized CPLEX to get exact solutions for the task assignment problem in small-scale

  • Designed heuristic rules and applied Ant Colony Optimization algorithm in C++ to solve the large-scale calculation cases efficiently

Vehicle Reordering in Mixed-model Assembly Lines | 09/2017 - 06/2018

  • Applied Genetic Algorithm in C++ to intelligently adjust the vehicle sequence in the automobile assembly workshop

  • Designed a local search algorithm to achieve resequencing of mixed-model assembly lines using C++

  • Won the Academy's Outstanding Undergraduate Graduation Project (10/200)


  • W. Yuan and H. Sun, ‘A Task Scheduling Problem in Mobile Robot Fulfillment Systems’, in 2020 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI), Dali, China: IEEE, Aug. 2020, pp. 391–396. doi: 10.1109/ICACI49185.2020.9177514. [Paper]
  • H. Sun and W. Yuan, ‘Multi-AGV motion planning based on deep reinforcement learning’, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 708–716, 2024, doi: 10.13196/j.cims.2021.0607. [Paper] (Written in Chinese)

Additional Information

  • Programming skills: Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge
  • Languages: Mandarin(Native), English(PTE: 68)

Last Updated: Dec. 19, 2024
